Provisioning Polycom Phones

This article summarizes the process for factory resetting, registering and provisioning Polycom devices.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Pre-Provisioning Steps

Before attempting to provision the desired phone, ensure that you have factory reset the device, enabled MPP for the desired extension and set the firmware to the most up-to-date version. 

For information on completing these tasks before provisioning the desired device, please see the following articles:

Compatibility Warning

Polycom phones manufactured prior to 2014 must be updated to the latest firmware to ensure they are able to connect properly. A device that is on an older firmware will not be able to fully connect to the MPP system, and it will fail to provision.


SIP Credential Warning

Credentials that work for other vendors can be invalid for Polycom devices. Ensure the extensions SIP Authentication under the Security tab match the validated settings below.

  • Authentication ID is 12 or less characters
  • Authentication Password is 20 or less characters
  • Authentication Password contains only alphanumeric and the following special characters: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, ( or )

Provisioning the Phone Template

Provisioning the Phone Template

  1. Login to the bvoip phone system.
  2. Go to the Extensions > Extensions menu. 
  3. Click on the Edit button next to the extension that the device is being applied to. Click the Add button to create an extension that the device will be applied to. 
  4. Go to the Phone Provisioning tab.
  5. Click on the Add New Phone Device button. A pop-up will appear.
  6. Select the desired device model in the Templates drop-down. This should be your specific phone model.
  7. Add the MAC Address without colon into the MAC Address field.
  8. Click the Save button. The pop-up for the provisioning will close and the page will refresh with new sections being shown.
  9. Click the Save button to save the phone template to the extension. 

Checking the MPP Integration

Checking the MPP Integration

  1. Go back to the Extensions Menu.
  2. Select Devices
  3. Click the Sync All Devices button or click on the Sync Device button to the right of each device individually. 
  4. Once the devices are synced, there will be three new buttons to the right of each device and the MPP column should show Configured or Live. 

Factory Reset

Once the device has had the phone template and synchronized into the Managed Provisioning Portal, the device will need to be factory reset. When reset, the firmware will be updated and the configuration file will be accessed, pulling the provisioning details from the phone system. 

For instructions on factory resetting your Polycom phone, please refer to our Factory Resetting Polycom Phones article

After a factory reset and the phone coming online, it may take one additional reboot for the configuration to fully apply.

Provisioning the Phone Interface Directly

Polycom hard phones should be factory rebooted from the interface webpage before provisioning. Manual provisioning of the phone should not be required if you have successfully provisioned the Polycom phone using the instructions in the sections above. 

If you are needing to provision the desired Polycom device directly after setting the template in the bvoip phone system, please refer to our Manually Provisioning Polycom Phones article

Phone Still Not Provisioned?

If the phone has not provisioned with either sets of instructions, please refer to our Phone Provisioning Troubleshoot Guide.