Phone Template Modifications

This article will provide insight on the items that phone templates control.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Changing Settings in the Phone System vs On the Direct Device

We recommend changing the device settings on the extension level in the phone system as the phone will check the configuration file regularly and will overwrite what has been manually set on the device by the end user.

Items Controlled by Phone Template

Depending on the make and model of phone, the phone template set inside of the bvoip phone system at the extension level can modify a multitude of items, including but not limited to: 

  • Ringtones
  • Backgrounds
  • BLFs
  • LED Notifications
  • Languages
  • Date and Time Formats
  • Timezones
  • Backlighting
  • Network Settings (Firewall, Quality of Service)

Not Seeing What You Need? 

If you are needing bulk changes to the listed items above or specific items to a select phone model, please reach out to our support team to discuss further options.