Setting up Holidays

This is a walkthrough to adding holidays in the bvoip's phone system.

Updated at August 27th, 2024

Enhanced Feature Notice

If you would like add general holidays in bulk for your phone system and you have 1stream, please refer to our Holiday Importer Tool article


Setting Holidays on the Phone System

As holidays and days of recognition can vary for every client, the bvoip portal allows the ability to customize the holiday options as desired.

This article will provide a insight for creating the holiday in the phone system. However, if you are looking to set up the holiday to operate off of an auto-attendant, please refer to our Setting Holiday Hours Functionality article

Configuring Holiday System-Wide

This option is intended for when the entire phone system uses the same holidays. 

  1. Login to the bvoip phone system.
  2. Click on the Dashboard drop-down menu.
  3. Go to the Settings subsection.
  4. Select the Time Settings option.
  5. Scroll to the Configure Holidays section.
  6. Click on the Add button. A pop-up will appear to create the Holiday.
  7. In the Name field, add the holiday name. 
  8. Select if the holiday is a single day or range of days in the first drop-down. 
  9. Set the date(s) for the holiday to be in effect.
  10. Set the time(s) for the holiday to be in effect.
  11. Select (or record) the desired prompt to be used for this holiday.
  12. Click the Save button.
  13. Click Save at the top of the page.

Further steps are needed if you are looking to setup up the holiday hour functionality. Please refer to our Setting Holiday Hours Functionality article