e911 Numbers

This article will provide an elaboration on how e911 numbers work.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why an e911 Number? 

e911 numbers are registered to specific addresses so that when dialed, 911 will know where to go without the caller specifying. These can be ordered with your SIP Carrier similarly to how a regular DID or toll free number would be. 

After ordering the e911 number, it will need to be registered in the SIP Carrier's portal and be added into the bvoip Phone System for routing. For assistance with adding the number into the phone system and emergency number routing, please see the below articles.

What if I have Multiple Locations?

If you have multiple office locations, we recommend having an e911 number registered for each location with your SIP Carrier. Once done, the Emergency Number section would need to be setup for multiple locations. 

For information on multi-site Emergency Number setup, see our Setting Emergency Number article.