How to Setup the Shared Parking Feature with Dial Codes

This article will provide a walkthrough for setting up the shared parking feature in the bvoip phone system through Dial Codes.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Using Shared Parking with BLF Keys is the preferred method for parking calls. 

Shared Parking with Dial Codes is considered the legacy option for older phone devices.

Shared parking is the option that is used in order to have multiple lines to work as a call waiting sort of feature. By default, the bvoip phone system has 10 shared parking spaces available that can be used through Dial Codes.

Setting up Shared Parking through Dial Codes

  1. Login to the bvoip phone system.
  2. Click on the Extensions drop-down menu.
  3. Go to the Extensions subsection. 
  4. Edit or Add the Extension user that will need the additional shared parking spaces.
  5. Go to the Rights tab.
  6. Under Extension Rights, check Perform Operations (Divert, transfer, pickup) and Can Park Calls to enable.
  7. Click the Save Button.

After the rights have been granted, calls will be able to be "parked," using dial codes, to wait rather than being sent to voicemail due to the extension user being on the phone. For instructions on using the shared parking feature, please see our How to Park Calls through Dial Codes article

Need More Call Waiting Lines?

If you are needing more shared parking spaces, you can setup more in the phone system as shown in our How to Add More Lines for Call Waiting article