Adding Alternative Routing to Trunks

This article will provide a walkthrough on the alternative siptrunk routing options available through in the event of an outage.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why Set an Alternative Routing to Your SIPTrunks?

Setting this will help your phone system to stay functional in the event of a internet outage that prevents your bvoip phone system from working. A common example is that of a system reboot. When a system reboot occurs, the alternative routing will take effect, preventing any missed calls. 

Option One: PSTN Backup

Why Use This Option? PSTN BU works just like a hard forward but is ONLY triggered when receives no response from your server or you do not have an active registration on your trunk. 

  1. Login to your portal.
  2. Navigate to the DIDs tab. 
  3. Scroll down to the desired DID. 
  4. Click on the pencil button next to the DID to edit it.
  5. In the PSTN BU field, place the phone number you would like the calls to forward to. Note: Make sure to include the 1 prefix to the number. 
  6. Click on the Submit button.  

Rate Plan Warning

If your sip trunk is using a channel-based rate plan with unlimited minutes, the forward will use 2 channels. One for inbound and one for the outbound. If you do not have at least two channels on your sip trunk, this option will not work. 


Option Two: Voicemail to Email 

Why Use This Option? As with PSTN BU, this option will only kick in if do not get a response from your server or there is no active registration on your trunk. But, instead of forwarding the call, will route it to a voicemail system that plays a generic unavailable message. will record the voicemail and then email it to the email address you specified.

  1. Login to your portal.
  2. Navigate to the DIDs tab. 
  3. Scroll down to the desired DID. 
  4. Click on the pencil button next to the DID to edit it.
  5. In the Vmail-Email field, input the desired email address. 
  6. Click the Submit button. 

Custom Voicemail Recording

At this time, does not have the ability for users to upload a custom message for the voicemail to email feature.