How to Change the Billing Details in

This article will provide a walkthrough on how to change the billing details in the portal.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why Change Billing Details 

It is important that the billing details and contact on the account be upto date as a security measure. 

How to Make the Change on Main Account

  1. Log into your SIPTrunk account. Under the General tab, your billing details will be displayed. 
  2. Click on the Edit bolded text. The page will refresh to where it will be editable. 
  3. Make the needed changes. 
  4. Click on the Submit button. 

How to Make the Change on Customer Account

  1. Log into your SIPTrunk account. 
  2. Go to the Customers side menu.
  3. Select the Customers sub-menu option. 
  4. Click on the ID for the customer needing the edit. 
  5. Click on the Edit bolded text. The page will refresh to where it will be editable.
  6. Make the needed changes. 
  7. Click on the Submit button.