Updating Caller IDs in SIPTrunk.com

This article will provide a walkthrough on setting caller IDs in the SIPTrunk.com portal.

Updated at September 17th, 2024

Why Set at the SIP Level? 

Setting the caller ID at the SIP level will be highest tier that a Caller ID can be set and will overwrite the caller ID set in the phone system. Caller IDs at the SIP Trunk level have a maximum of 15 characters. They also can be set on standard and enhanced numbers. Toll-free numbers can not be guaranteed to have a CNAM update in the SIPTrunk.com portal as there can be special steps needed. 

Propagation Notice

Outbound CNAM can take up to FIVE days to propagate.


Updating Caller IDs in SIPTrunk.com

  1. Log into the SIPTrunk.com Portal.
  2. Go to the Dashboard Menu option. 
  3. Select the desired Customer. stcALLERid2
  4. Click on the DID tab.
  5. Navigate to the desired DID. STCallerID1
  6. Click on the pencil icon.
  7. In the CNAM field, set the desired Caller ID for that number. 
  8. Click on the Submit button. 

Additional Resources

If you need additional resources about your DIDs being labelled as SCAM/SPAM, please see our Fixing "Possible Spam" or "Spam Risk" Caller ID article.