1stream Integrated SMS with Telnyx

Discover how 1stream seamlessly integrates SMS capabilities with Telnyx for enhanced communication strategies.

Updated at September 5th, 2024

Usage-based Charges

By signing up for and configuring Telnyx as your SMS provider, you take full responsibility for any use-based charges that occur from the usage of the SMS platform, including any potential abuse.


bvoip Calling Plan?

If you have Telnyx as a trunk provider, but purchase that service through bvoip, then contact partners@bvoip.com and our team can setup the required SMS options on your behalf.


Configure Telnyx

  1. Login to https://portal.telnyx.com
  2. If you have multiple accounts, ensure you're accessing the right one
  3. If you have not already done so, purchase a number and ensure it is registered with an A2P 10DLC campaign if you are sending messages within the United States.
  4. Create a new Messaging Profile under Messaging > Programmable Messaging with API v2 selected for the version.
  5. Set the below webhook destination for text messaging. You can set a backup of your own here if you'd like.
    • North America: https://portal.1stream.com/SMSReceiver.ashx?Service=Telnyx
    • APAC: https://portal-au.1stream.com/SMSReceiver.ashx?Service=Telnyx
    • Europe: https://portal-eu.1stream.com/SMSReceiver.ashx?Service=Telnyx
  6. Under Account Settings > Keys & Credentials create an API key and copy it down.

Configure 1stream

  1. Login to the 1stream portal and go to Administration > Manage Organization.
  2. Add a new Connected Account with the plus sign
  3. Select SMS Telnyx and click Save
  4. Enter in your details
    1. Endpoint: https://api.telnyx.com/v2/messages/
    2. Default DID: Your default outbound DID
    3. SMS Auth Key: Your API key.
    4. Catch All Company: For creating tickets, what company should be used if a contact can't be matched.
  5. Click Save to save the options

Next Steps

See our article Manage Messaging Settings for how to configure individual DIDs for use with SMS, you'll need to add each number to the Messaging Routing options.

OR see PIN Verification Tool for additional details on that feature, which will now send out using your own number instead of the generic number.