Setting up Voicemail in the Phone System

This article will provide a walkthrough on how to setup a user's voicemail.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Accessing the Voice Mailbox

Voicemail is setup by default for each user built into the bvoip phone system. To access the Voicemail box:

  1. Dial 999.
  2. Enter the designated PIN that was provided in the extension's welcome email. 
  3. Press the # key. The menu will then play for the various actions to be made.

Setting the Voicebox Greeting

After accessing the Voice Mailbox as shown in the section above, the voicemail greeting message can then be set. To set the Voicemail greeting by phone:

  1. Select the 9 key at the prompt.
  2. Press the 8 key at the prompt.
  3. Select the 0 key at the prompt to record.
  4. Press the # key to stop recording.
  5. Select the 0 key at the prompt to save the recording.

Setting Up the User for Dial-By-Name Directory

To setup your user for the Dial-By-Name directory, please see our Dial-By-Name Directory article

Voicemail Management

If you are wishing to setup the voicemail settings without using the phone system application or are wanting a pre-recorded greeting for your extension users, please refer to the Managing Voicemail Setup and Settings article.