Audio File Not Playing After Upload

This article will provide insight asto why audio files don't play after being uploaded in the bvoip phone system and how to troubleshoot it.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why Didn't the Audio Play?

The desired auto file was uploaded into the phone system and it's been selected. When testing, there's no audio, just dead air. 

The most common causes of this are: 

  • The selected audio file was not saved. 
  • The audio file was corrupted on upload. 
  • The audio uploaded but wasn't in the correct format.

How to Fix It

  1. Verify that the file is saved. If the file wasn't saved, be sure to click the Save button on the screen that you selected the file on. 
  2. Ensure that File is in the Correct Format. If the file is doesn't meet the correct standards of the phone system, it will not play. For information on audio file formatting and conversion, please refer to our Audio File Guide
  3. Re-upload the Audio File. If the format is the correct format and size, verify that the file works and re-upload it into the phone system.