Adding Funds for Accounts

This article will provide a walkthrough on how to add funds to a account.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why Add Funds? 

Adding funds to a account's pre-paid balance is a great proactive way of ensuring that if any toll free and/or international traffic occurs, the account will remain active. Toll free and international traffic is billed as a per minute rate and funds are drawn automatically from the pre-paid balance.

Without any pre-paid funds available, this can cause a disruption of service as a account will stop making and receiving calls once a negative balance is achieved. 

Want to Get Billing Notifications?

For steps in setting up billing notification in the portal, please refer to our Setting Billing Notifications on Accounts article.


How to Add Funds

  1. Log into the Portal. 
  2. Go to the Payment Center menu option.
  3. Select Add Funds. The Add Funds to Your Account screen will appear.Adding Funds to SIPTrunk
  4. In the Amount to Deposit drop-down, select the desired amount to be pre-paid. 
  5. Click the Submit button. 

Setting up Auto-Replenish Funds

  1. Log into the Portal. 
  2. Go to the Payment Center menu option.
  3. Select AutoReplenish. The Automatic Account Replenishment screen will appear. Autoreplenishment SIPTrunk1-1
  4. In the AutoReplenish Status drop-down, adjust the setting to Yes.
  5. In the AutoReplenish Threshold drop-down, adjust the fund limit on your account to trigger funds to be re-added. 
  6. In the AutoReplenish Amount drop-down, adjust the desired amount that should be added to the account when the threshold is reached.