Outbound Parameter Variables

This article will provide insight on the outbound parameters for SIPTrunk configuration in the bvoip phone system.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why Know These Variables? 

The variables shown in this article will determine what is shown for caller IDs and helps dictate where that data is pulled from to help aid in understanding what these options are and how they function. Additionally, why some caller IDs are not reflecting as expected.

"LineID" Internal Number of Line

The LineId is the virtual extension number of the SIP Trunk or Gateway. This is by default in the 10000 range. This is not visible in the bvoip phone system Management console, but is visible in the Active Calls page.

"LineNumber" External Number of Line

The Line number is taken from the Main Trunk No. field under the Route Calls to section of the of the SIP Trunks settings. 

"AuthID" Authetication

The value of the AuthID variable is derived from the Authentication ID field in the SIP Trunks  configuration under the General tab. 

"CallerNum" Callers Number (Default: From -> Caller)

This variable has the same value as the LineNumber variable as explained in section LineNumber.

Warning About Using This Variable

Avoid using this option as it is used internally by the system and use the LineNumber variable instead.


"CalledNum" Number That Has Been Dialed (Default: To -> Caller)

The CalledNum variable contains the dialed/destination number the INVITE message is supposed to initiate the call to.

"CallerDispName" Display Name of a Caller as it Appears in Header - Provided by Phone Settings

In contrast to the CallerName, for this variable the phone system attempts to use the original Caller Name of the call initiator. This means that if the endpoint registered to bvoip makes a call to an external number and sends a value in the From : Display Name, the phone system tries to maintain this value when constructing the INVITE to be sent to the SIP Trunk provider SIP Server.

"OutboundCallerID" Outbound Caller ID Taken from Extension Settings in Management Console

During an outbound call, the PBX will check for an Outbound Caller ID in four different locations with descending priority. The highest priority is the Outbound Caller ID field that can be set in the Outbound Rules. If that is empty, then the Outbound Caller ID is taken from the Outbound Caller ID set at the extension level.

If this field is empty, then the phone system will check the Outbound Caller ID set in the  SIP Trunk settings under the Caller ID tab. If this field is also empty, the phone system will use the Main Trunk Number that is configured in the General tab of the SIP Trunk settings.

If an endpoint uses the anonymous dial code to make an outbound call, this variable will be populated with the value anonymous.

"OutboundLineID" Outbound Caller Line ID Taken from Outbound Caller ID Setting in Management Console

The Outbound Caller ID is taken from the Configure outbound caller ID field under the Caller ID tab in the SIP Trunk Settings.

If this field is empty, the phone system will use the Main Trunk Number that is configured in the General tab of the SIP Trunk settings.

"OriginatorCallerID" Original Caller Number Will Be Sent

The OriginatorCallerID variable attempts to use the original number of the Caller, even if that number has not originated from the phone system.

However, the phone system will first check if the Outbound Caller ID field in the Outbound Rules is populated and will use that value as the Caller ID. If the Outbound Caller ID under the Outbound Rules is empty, the phone system will check if the CallerNum in Inbound Parameter is populated.

An example where this can happen is when there is an incoming call from a SIP Trunk provider that is then redirected to another outside/external number through a SIP Trunk provider. The CallerNum Inbound Parameter will have been populated during the incoming call information collection.

Custom Field

Choosing this as a variable will allow you to enter a value manually.

"EnforcedOutboundCallerId" To Be Used When You Send Anonymous to PAI

The EnforcedOutboundCallerId variable is exactly the same as the OutboundCallerId variable with the difference that when the anonymous dial code is used to make a call, instead of using value anonymous, it still performs the same checks described as if the dial code was not used.

"EnforcedOriginatorCallerID" To Be Used When You Send Anonymous to PAI

The EnforcedOriginatorCallerID variable is exactly the same as the OriginatorCallerID variable with one important difference. When the anonymous dial code is used to make a call, instead of using the value anonymous, it still performs the same checks described as if the dial code was not used.