Autotask Integration with 1stream

This article will provide a walkthrough on the setup of AutoTask with the 1stream platform.

Updated at September 16th, 2024

1stream View Required

1stream View Required

This feature is available for only 1stream View licensed users and higher plans. If you don't have this and would like this feature to be available, please reach out to your Sales Representative to upgrade user licensing.


The Phases of Implementation

  1. Setting Security Roles
  2. Editing Existing API Users
  3. Adding the API User
  4. Connecting AutoTask to 1stream
  5. Mapping API Users

Setting Security Roles

Have Multiple Security Roles?

If your AutoTask setup requires multiple security roles, their security level will need to be copied to activate the Allow Impersonation of Resources with this Security Level option. To do this, see steps 12-14.

  1. Log into the AutoTask portal.
  2. Go to the AutoTask menu.
  3. Select the Admin option.
  4. Click on the Getting Started section. 
  5. Select Configure Security Levels.
  6. Right-click to select an existing system level API role.
  7. Copy Security Level. A pop-up window will appear.
  8. Rename the User to include 1stream for easier identification.
  9. Go to the CRM section.
  10. Under Account & Contact Access, set the permissions as: 
    1. Customer & Cancellation - All
    2. Vendor & Partners - All
    3. Prospects, Leads and Dead - All
  11. Under Object Permissions, set the permissions as: 
    1. Accounts: Add - Yes, Edit - All, Delete - All
    2. Contacts: Add - Yes
    3. Opportunities & Quotes: View - All, Add - Yes, Edit - Yes, Delete - None
    4. Sales Orders: View - All, Edit- All, Delete - None
    5. Configuration Items & Subscriptions: View - All, Add - Yes, Edit - None, Delete - None
    6. Configuration Item Notes: Edit - None, Delete - None
    7. Notes: Add - Yes, Edit - None, Delete - None
    8. To-Dos: Add - Yes, Edit - None, Delete - None
    9. Attachments: View - All, Add - Yes, Delete - All
  12. Under Other Permissions subsection, set the following permissions: 
    1. Can modify Opportunity Owner (reassign Opportunities)
    2. Display ALL accounts in account pick lists and data selectors. When checked, resources will be able to create and search items associated with accounts that they do not have permission to view.
  13. Go to the Service Desk section.
  14. Under the Object Permissions, set the permissions as:
    1. Tickets : View - All, Add - Yes, Edit - Yes, Delete - None
    2. Ticket Notes: Edit - All, Delete - None
    3. Service Calls: View - All, Add - Yes, Edit - Yes, Delete - None
    4. Charges: View - All, Add - Yes, Edit - All, Delete - None
    5. Expenses: View - All, Add - Yes, Edit - All, Delete - None
  15. Scroll down to the Time Entry Permissions subsection.
  16. Enable the following permission: 
    1. Can modify Work Type on ticket time entries
  17. Scroll down to the Ticket Checklist Permissions subsection.
  18. Enable the following permission: 
    1. Can add/edit items
  19. Scroll down to the Other Permissions subsection. 
  20. Enable the following permissions: 
    1. Can edit Status of Complete tickets (does not apply to Autotask Web Services/API)
    2. Can view Ticket Search
    3. Can view user-defined fields in Ticket grids, Recurring Ticket Template Ticket grids, and My Tasks & Tickets
    4. Can view time entry internal notes, internal notes, and internal attachments (on Ticket Detail and CRM Detail screens)
    5. Can view non-billable time entries (Resources can see their own time entries)
    6. Can view billing data in activity feed
  21. Go to the Admin section.
  22. Under Feature Access, select the following items: 
    1. Your Organization
    2. Resources/Users (HR)
    3. Application-Wide (Shared) Features (Full Access)
    4. Accounts & Contacts
    5. Service Desk (Tickets)
    6. Projects & Tasks
    7. Configuration Items
  23. Go to the Web Services API section.
  24. Click the checkbox to Can Login to Web Service API.
  25. Under the CRM section, make sure that the following permissions are enabled in the proper categories.
    1. Accounts - View (Query), Add and Edit (Update)
    2. Contact - View (Query), Add and Edit (Update)
    3. Opportunities & Quotes - View (Query), Add and Edit (Update)
    4. Notes - View (Query), Add and Edit (Update)
    5. To-Dos - Add and Edit (Update)
  26. Under the Projects section, make sure that the following permissions are enabled in the proper categories.
    1. Project Notes - Add and Edit (Update)
    2. Task Notes - Add and Edit (Update)
  27. Under the Service Desk section, make sure that the following permissions are enabled in the proper categories.ATPerms1-4
    1. Tickets - View (Query), Add and Edit (Update)
    2. Ticket Notes - View (Query), Add and Edit (Update)
  28. Under the Other/Shared section, make sure that the following permissions are enabled in the proper categories.ATPerms1-5
    1. Attachments - View (Query) and Add
    2. Time Entries - View (Query), Add and Edit (Update)
  29. Scroll down to the Contact Impersonation section. 
  30. Under the Service Desk section, make sure that the following permissions are enabled in the proper categories.ATPerms1-6
    1. Tickets - Add
    2. Ticket Notes -  Add
  31. Under the Other/Shared section, make sure that the following permissions are enabled in the proper categories.ATPerms1-7
    1. Attachments - Add
  32. Click the Save and Close button.

Editing Existing API Users

  1. Return to the AutoTask menu. 
  2. Select the Admin option.
  3. Go to the Getting Started section. 
  4. Select Resources /Users.
  5. Select the Main Admin Users. 
  6. Select the Edit button (three lines icon). A pop-up will appear. 
  7. Go to the Security tab.
  8. Go to the Security and Permissions section. 
  9. Adjust the existing security level to the new access level. 
  10. Click the Save and Close button.

Adding the API User

  1. Return to the AutoTask menu. 
  2. Select the Admin option.
  3. Go to the Getting Started section. 
  4. Select Resources /Users.
  5. Click the +New button.
  6. Select the Add an API User option.
  7. For the User Name, list 1stream.
  8. In the Security Level drop-down, select the new API security level.
  9. For the User Email, list a random email address. 
  10. Click the Generate Credential button.
  11. Copy the Password provided. 
  12. Go back to the 1stream portal.
  13. Paste the password into the CRM Password field.
  14. In the CRM Username field, put the 1stream user email. 
  15. Go back to AutoTask.
  16. Set the API Tracking Vendor to BvoIP-Telephony in the drop-down.
  17. Under Line of Business, you can choose a limited list, select all current ones, or leave it blank to allow for all current and future Line of Businesses to be accessible via 1stream.
  18. Click the Arrow pointing right to add the Unassociated Lines of Business to the Associated section.
  19. Click the Save and Close button. 

Connecting AutoTask in 1stream

Pre-check Notice
An API User must be made prior to this point. 

  1. Log into the 1stream Portal.
  2. Go to the Administration menu.
  3. Choose the Manage Organization option. The page will refresh.
  4. Scroll to Connected Account and CRM Settings section.
  5. Click on the green circled + button.
  6. A pop-up will appear. Choose Autotask from drop-down.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. CRM Connection Settings pop-up will appear. 
  9. In the CRM Username field, add the API User email.
  10. In the CRM Password field, add the API User password.
  11. In both the Endpoint and the CRM Details Link field, add the AutoTask CRM URL. (e.x.
    Note: Do not use a slash at the end of the URL. This must have https:// at the front. 
  12. In the CRM Version drop-down, select n/a.
  13. The Integration field should auto-populate, but if not, paste in EBAIT5JZ7ZISFMN4RO3DKXKZDP as the integration code.
  14. Click the Save button. 
  15. Scroll up to the 1stream Administration section. 
  16. Click on the System Check button. The systems check pop-up will appear, syncing the data between systems. 
  17. Ensure you click the Load Contacts button to ensure the contact sync job is enabled.

Mapping CRM Users

Once the CRM Connection to AutoTask has been completed, the users in 1stream can be now mapped to their corresponding AutoTask user.

For instructions on how this can be done, please see our Mapping CRM Users article