Call Recording FAQs

This article will provide a walkthrough on commonly asked questions regarding call recording.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Call Recording and Background Noise

A common question for call recording is if the call recording also records the noise of the person typing in their ticket number or saying anything before someone answers the call. 

The answer is that the call recording will start when the call starts and that the background noise depends entirely on the equipment being used such as the type of headset or phone. 

Call Recordings and Conference Calls

When call recordings and conference calls are involved, common questions on the expectations on what happens to the recording if someone gets conferenced into or out of the call come up. Other questions about if additional recordings are created or if there's only one that records all additions joining and leaving the call. 

To clarify, The call recording will be the same one that was started in the beginning of the call. Additional recordings are not expected to be created as people are added or removed from the call. 

Call Recordings and Being On Hold

Do call recordings also record whilst people are on hold? Do the call recordings record any hold music as well?

If the call is put on hold by the remote party it will play the music on hold that is being sent to us. If the user puts the call on hold it will not play the on hold music it will be like dead air. 

Call Recordings and IVR Key Presses

Would the call recording be able to tell us which button the caller has pressed listening the IVR/auto attendant as well?  

Call recordings can not provide insight on the key presses made in an auto-attendant or IVR menu. The easiest way to determine this would be to use the 1Stream Key Segments.