Workforce Management Views

Gain insights on effective strategies for managing your workforce and optimizing productivity with Workforce Management Views.

Updated at September 18th, 2024

1stream Enterprise Required

1stream Enterprise Required

This feature is available for only 1stream Enterprise licensed users and higher plans. If you don't have this and would like this feature to be available, please reach out to your Sales Representative to upgrade user licensing.


What is Workforce Management? 

The Workforce Management feature set of 1Stream makes it even easier for Administrators to track the schedules, breaks and productivity of their users. 

Different Views

After setting up the Workforce Management feature, you will be able to use the following views to determine staffing numbers, availability and deficits. 

  • Visualize - This view will help color code breaks and lunches. WFM1-4
  • Forecast - This view users prepopulated call data to run through the desired formula to calculate needed staff numbers. WFM1-5WFM1-7
  • Forecast Live View - This view users data from the forecast section with real time to see the actual data. WFM1-6WFM1-8

Forecast Live View Column Definitions

  • Exceptions - This column value with provide the number of agent call outs. (sick/not coming in)
  • Difference - This column value will provide a difference value of the forecast and the actual values. 
  • Forecasted - This column value will indicate the speculative number of agents from the forecast section. 
  • Staffed - This column value will indicate the number of agents scheduled based on the imported schedule.