Send a SMS using the Call Flow Designer

This article covers how to send an SMS message via the Call Flow Designer

Updated at August 20th, 2024

Table of Contents


A use case example for this would be that when a customer calls in and no one is available, you can take a message and then fire back a text message to them with a simple “We'll be back in 30 minutes” kind of message.

Get the API Keys

  1. Visit
  2. Go to the Messaging section and go to the API Keys button at the top
  3. Create a new API Key and name it CFD Apps
  4. Copy down the Access Key and Secret Key for use in the next section

In the CFD

  1. Add a Web Service REST component to your project wherever you want to send a message
  2. Edit the newly created component
  3. Fill out the fields as specified below, they must be added as constants (surrounded by quotes)
    • URI: ""
    • Request Type: POST
    • Content Type: application/json
    • Content: "{ "data": { "type": "message", "attributes": { "to": "+1<To Number>", "from":"+1<From Number>", "body": "<Your Body>" }}}"
    • Timeout (secs): 30
    • Authentication
      • Select Basic
      • Username: Set this to your Access Key
      • Password: Set this to your Secret Key
  4. Build and test your call flow app, it should send the message when you reach the Web Service REST step of the process.

You can get troubleshooting details by using the E-Mail Sender option to send the WebServiceRest1.ResponseContent as the body to you.