Multi-Tenant Portal Whitelabelling

This article will provide insight with how the multi-tenant portal can be whitelabelled as desired.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Don't Want to Whitelabel?

If you choose not to whitelabel anything in the bvoip Phone System, then the current default settings will be applied.


Domain Changes

If the domain needs to be changed for the multi-tenant portal, there's two options that can be done. One option with a basic FQDN change and the other allowing an FQDN change with an SSL certificate application.

Custom Images

If there needs to be a custom images for a favicon, company image or custom client facing images with messages, this is now possible. For more information, please see the following knowledge base articles: 

Custom Themes and Colors

If there needs to be set colors, themes or hidden parts to meet a desired aesthetic, a need to know CSS will be required. For more information, please see our Customizing with CSS article