Teams Setup Troubleshooting Guide

This article will provide a walkthrough of common issues that are found while trying to implement Teams.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Microsoft Propagation

After plugging in the client secret, application and directory IDs, there can be delays in the DNS, causing the Domain Setup to not be completed.

Other places in the implementation process where there tends to be delays are:

  • Creating a Domain Test User.
  • Changing User Licensing.
  • Any Changes Made on the Microsoft Side. 

These stopping points are caused by propagation on the Microsoft side and are cleared up within 24 hours.

Section Not Loading

If you are seeing that the Microsoft 365 section is not loading in the bvoip phone system, please reach out to bvoip Support to have this resolved. 

Microsoft Account Misconfiguration

Ensure the office phone field is configured with the '+1<ext_number>'. If the user has directory-sync, that configuration cannot be made with the script; the user has to do that in his directory-sync server. THIS STEP CANNOT BE IGNORED!

Missing Outbound Rule

Ensure the phone system has an outbound rule to handle teams calls. US clients can expect to build a rule with 12 digits starting with +1 prefix. For instructions on creating an inbound rule, please see our Setting Teams Outbound Rule article

Retrieving the Secret

Make sure when copying over the Secret, you are using the secret value, not the secret key. 

Incorrect Licensing

Incorrect licensing can provide a multitude of various errors. The easiest way to correct it is to ensure that the correct license types are used. Our recommended user licensing is listed below for optional functionality.  

  • Microsoft E5 licensing.
  • Microsoft E3 with a Microsoft Teams Phone Standard license.
  • Microsoft Business with a Microsoft Teams Phone Standard license.

If you are using the defaulted Microsoft 365 Domestic Calling Plan license, please refer to our Using the Correct Teams License article

Voicemails Not Working 

If your users are having voicemail issues, make sure that your users are set to use Teams Voicemail as shown in our Setting Up Teams Voicemail article

Teams User Changes 

If there are changes to the user status, email address, voicemail or other Teams settings in the bvoip phone system, the activation scripts will need to be re-ran after the changes are made.

Phone Service Restart

If you have made changes to users or just completed the integration setup and are having trouble, try restarting the SIP Service. For information on how to do this, please refer to our Restarting Phone System Services article

Calls Failing - Solution One 

If you are noticing that calls are failing for Teams users, be sure to restart the SIP service. For instructions on how this can be done, please see our Restarting Phone System Services article

Calls Failing - Solution Two

If you are noticing that the calls are failing in Teams after setup, be sure to go into the outbound call rules and confirm that the following rule is in place and setup accordingly. 

For information on setting up outbound rules correctly, please see our Setting Teams Outbound Rules article.

PowerShell Command Errors 

PowerShell Issue

Make sure that when attempting to run any of the Teams scripts, that the PowerShell program is being ran as Administrator.

Common Script Errors are caused by one of the following being incorrect : 

  • Microsoft Users have Office Number Set to Country Code and Extension Number.
  • Extension Users have Unique Email Addresses.
  • Extension Users have the Outbound Number field Set.
  • Microsoft Users have the Correct License.

With the new updated version of our Teams integration, the scripts are written as you complete different steps of the implementation. This makes most errors be resolved by re-downloading a new copy of the script and running the new version after correcting the issue. 

Error: Improper Licensing

If your users have an E5 and the Domestic Calling Plan license, there will be a improper licensing error when attempting to run the User Script. To correct this, remove the Domestic Calling Plan license and re-attmpt to run the User Script for the intended user.

Error : Cannot Modify Parameter"EnterpriseVoiceEnabled"


This error can be caused by incorrect licensing or Microsoft propagation. To fix this, ensure that the licensing assigned to the user being activated is correct. If the licensing is correct, allow 24 hours for propagation to clear the issue. 

Error: One or More Errors Occurred


This error can be caused by multiple issues, however, the main cause is usually a security based issue. To correct this error, The first command you will need to run is

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 

Once ran, then run the following command before re-running the Activate Users script. 

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12