Changing the Primary CRM in 1stream

This article will provide a walkthrough on how to mark a CRM as the primary in 1stream.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why Set a Primary CRM

When there are multiple CRM integrations setup with 1stream, we recommend selecting a primary CRM to prevent a multitude of issues with 1stream. 

Only Have One CRM Connection?

If you only have one CRM integration with 1stream, the primary CRM does not need to be selected as that is done by default. 


Setting a Primary CRM

  1. Log into the 1stream Admin Portal.
  2. Go to the Administration > Manage Organization menu in the top right. 
  3. Scroll down to the  Connected Account and CRM Settings section.
  4. Navigate to the Primary column. 
  5. Click on the Primary circle next to the desired CRM.
  6. Click on the Save button.