Salesforce Integration with 1stream

This article will cover setting up the Salesforce integration with 1stream.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

1stream View Required

1stream View Required

This feature is available for only 1stream View licensed users and higher plans. If you don't have this and would like this feature to be available, please reach out to your Sales Representative to upgrade user licensing.


Salesforce Setup

  1. Login as an Admin User to Salesforce.
  2. Select an Existing User or create a New User.
  3. Note down the Username and Password of a Salesforce User with Admin permissions. These will be entered into 1stream’s CRM Settings.
  4. Note down the Security Token for that user. The Security Token may be required if IP Range Restrictions are not in place for the Salesforce instance.
    • If there is no security token for the user, this can be reset. (Note: This will break existing Connected App integrations that use this user’s credentials.)
      1. Login as that User in Salesforce.
      2. Click View Profile icon on the Top Menu.
      3. Click the Settings link. 
      4. Reset My Security Token menu item on the Side Menu.
      5. Click the Reset Security Code Button.  
  5. Click Setup icon on the Top Menu.
  6. Click Platform Tools.
  7. Click App Manager
  8. Click the New Connected App Button. This will open the below window. 
  9. Fill in the Required fields:
    • Connected App Name: Select an App Name similar to bvoip 1stream for easy recognition.
    • API Name: Same as a above
    • Contact Email: The user selected above.
  10. Click the Enable OAuth Settings Checkbox.
  11. Provide a random Callback URL. This value is not used by 1stream, but a valid https value is required, such as
  12. In Selected OAuth Scopes add Full Access to the right hand side.
  13. Click the Save button.
  14. Once the Connected App has been provisioned, copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values for later use.
  15. Go to App Manager.
  16. Find the newly created App.
  17. Click View Option/Link.
  18. Click Manage the Connected App.
  19. Click the Edit Policies button at the top of the Manage Screen.  
  20. Under the OAuth Policies section, make the selections below:
    • Permitted Users: select that All Users May Self-Authorize.
    • IP Relaxation: select Relax IP Restrictions

1stream Setup

  1. Log into the 1stream Admin Portal.
  2. Go to the Administration > Manage Organization menu in the top right. 
  3. Scroll down to the Connected Account and CRM Settings section. 
  4. Click the green circled + button. The Add New CRM Platform pop-up will appear. 
  5. In the CRM Platform drop-down, select Salesforce.
  6. Click the Save button. The pop-up will refresh to the Modify Salesforce Connection Settings window.
  7. In the Modify Salesforce Connection Settings screen, fill out the following:
    1. API Key: This is the Connected App’s Consumer Key from above. 
    2. API Private Key: This is the Connected App’s Consumer Secret from above. 
    3. CRM Username: The Salesforce User’s username
    4. CRM Password: The Salesforce User’s password
    5. Integration Code: The Salesforce User’s Security Token, if needed. If IP Range Restrictions are not in place for your Salesforce instance, this will be required. (Please Note: If it is provided and IP Range Restrictions are in place, it will be evaluated. Depending on how your Salesforce instance is setup, this can cause issues.)
    6. Endpoint: Your Salesforce instance endpoint. Usually in the form of or
    7. CRM Details Link: Same as the Endpoint value above.
  8. Click the Save button.