ConnectWise Security Role Permissions

This article will walk you through the process of setting up a new ConnectWise Manage Security Role for use with the 1stream integration.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why use a custom Security Role?

ConnectWise strongly recommends using a custom role for integrations to ensure that the minimum necessary level of permissions are available to the integration.

The permissions laid out below are the minimum necessary for the 1stream integration to work with ConnectWise.

Security Role

  • Companies
    • Company Maintenance: Add/Edit/Inquire All
    • Contacts: Add/Edit/Inquire All
    • CRM/Sales Activities: Add/Edit/Inquire All
    • Manage Attachments: Add/Inquire All
    • Notes: Add/Edit/Inquire All
  • Finance
    • Agreements: Add/Inquire All
    • Billing View Time: Inquire All
  • Projects
    • Project Headers: Add/Edit/Inquire All
    • Project Tickets: Add/Edit/Inquire All
  • Sales
    • Opportunity: Add/Edit/Inquire All
  • Service Desk
    • Close Service Tickets: Add/Edit/Inquire All
    • Resource Scheduling: Add/Edit/Inquire All
    • Service Tickets: Add/Edit/Inquire All
  • System
    • Manage Hosted API: Add/Edit/Inquire All
    • Member Maintenance: Inquire All
    • My Company: Inquire All
    • Table Setup: Add/Inquire All
  • Time and Expense
    • Time Entry: Add/Edit/Inquire All