Recommended Field Types for BrightGauge CSVs

This article covers the recommended Field Types for importing call data into BrightGauge.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Looking to setup the BrightGauge integration?

See our article BrightGauge Integration Setup for more details on how to configure the integration where these field types are utilized.


How to use this

The default Field Type in BrightGauge is "Text" so we've bolded the fields below that are not text, so you know which you should change.

You can use a different field type than specified to enable or disable certain gauge behaviors, such as forcing a date to be treated as a string so that it doesn't convert the UTC time, but that can also cause unexpected behavior.


  • CS_ID: Number
  • CallID: Number
  • ActualStartTime: Text (Converted time)
  • ActualEndTime: Text (Converted time)
  • StartTime: Date Time (UTC)
  • EndTime: Date Time (UTC)
  • Inbound: Boolean
  • ExtensionNumber: Text
  • ExtensionName: Text
  • OriginatedBy: Text
  • OriginatedByName: Text
  • InboundRule: Text
  • Destination: Text
  • DestinationName: Text
  • Status: Text
  • TalkTime: Text
  • TalkTimeSeconds: Number
  • Queue: Text
  • QueueName: Text
  • RecordingURL: Text
  • Entry_Date: Text (Converted Time)
  • call_history_id: Text
  • ReferenceDate: Date
  • HourNumber: Number
  • MinuteNumber: Number
  • IntervalNumber: Number
  • IVR: Text
  • IVRName: Text
  • RingGroup: Text
  • RingGroupName: Text
  • SecondsTillFirstTalk: Number
  • Transferred: Text
  • QueueWaitSeconds: Number
  • DNSummary: Text
  • ActivityNote: Text